Yarragon Township Plan

Yarragon Township Plan.jpg

About the Yarragon Township Plan

The Yarragon Township Plan provides a long-term strategic vision for Yarragon. The Plan considers land uses, township character, connectivity, natural environment and the public realm. It also includes an Urban Design Framework to guide development in the town centre, acknowledging the established ‘village’ feel. 

Together, the Plan and accompanying Urban Design Framework provide a clear planning direction that makes recommendations for guidance on decision making about investments, infrastructure improvements and development proposals.  

Baw Baw Shire Council appointed SMEC Consultants to prepare the Yarragon Township Plan.

Based on feedback from the community about the importance of the enhancing the character of the town centre area, the scope of the Urban Design Framework component of the project became more detailed and is now a separate document accompanying the Township Plan. Baw Baw Shire Council engaged Blom Design to prepare the Urban Design Framework.

Now adopted, the Plan will be used as a basis for formal changes to the Baw Baw Planning Scheme, through revised planning controls.

Adopted documents - Council Meeting 8 November 2023

Baw Baw Shire Council has officially adopted the Yarragon Township Plan(PDF, 90MB) and Urban Design Framework.(PDF, 32MB)


Community consultation

Community consultation for the Yarragon Township Plan and Urban Design Framework took place in multiple stages.

The initial consultation was held between 15 November 2021 and 15 December 2021 to inform the development of the Plan. Following this, community engagement opportunities included two drop-in sessions at the Yarragon Public Hall on Thursday 24 November 2022 from 5 pm to 7 pm, and Saturday 10 December 2022 from 10 am to 12 midday.

Additionally, Council Officers attended the Yarragon Craft and Produce Market on Saturday 26 November 2022 from 9 am to 11 am, and Friday 16 December 2022 from 5 pm to 7 pm.

Moreover, the draft Township Plan and Urban Design Framework were placed on exhibition for community consultation from 14 November 2022 to 19 February 2023.

During this period, the community had the opportunity to provide their feedback via an online survey platform as well as by written submissions.

These stages of community consultation were crucial in developing the final documents that Council adopted on 8 November 2023.


What is a Township Plan?

Township Plans define Council’s preferred directions for future policy and strategy development within a town and articulate how growth will be managed.

Each town is unique, and Councils consult with their communities to understand the aspirations of how a town should grow, taking into account population trends, changing community needs and economic factors.

Township Plans can guide changes to land use, built form and public spaces that together can aim to achieve a social, economic and environmental vision for the town.

What is an Urban Design Framework?

An Urban Design Framework is a document which provides a strategically justified plan for how an area will develop and change over time in physical terms. It includes recommendations about things like building heights, signage and public realm improvements.

The framework enables everyone (e.g. community groups, Council departments, government agencies, local developers) to follow the same plan.

Why does Yarragon need a Township Plan?

The Township Plan and Urban Design Framework will be important strategic documents to provide a clear framework for future development and identify opportunities to accommodate growth while maintaining and enhancing the local amenity and character that is highly valued by the Yarragon community. 

How will the Plan be used?

The Plan is a long-term document, providing recommendations to 2041, that will be used by Council to guide decision making for the coming years, including project priorities, advocacy, budgeting and amendments to the Baw Baw Planning Scheme.

It is important for Councils to have a strategic document like a Township Plan so that there is a general vision for Yarragon in the community. It also identifies strategies and actions to achieve the vision in collaboration with stakeholders, such as private landholders, State government agencies and the community.

What are the stages of the Plan?

The development of the Plan involved the following stages: 

  • Stage 1 - Inception, gap analysis and initial collection of community thoughts and ideas.
  • Stage 2 - Collate feedback received and prepare a background report.
  • Stage 3 - Prepare the draft plan and present to the community for feedback. 
  • Stage 4 - Revise draft plan after considering the feedback received. 
  • Stage 5 - Present the final Yarragon Township Plan and Urban Design Framework to Council.
  • Stage 6 - Council adopts the Yarragon Township Plan and Urban Design Framework.

The project is now complete. Council adopted the Yarragon Township Plan and Urban Design Framework on 8 November 2023.

Further information

If you have any further questions regarding the Yarragon Township Plan project, or would like to be placed on the correspondence list, please contact the Strategic Planning Department on 1300 229 229 or email Strategic.Planning@bawbawshire.vic.gov.au