Sustainable Event Checklist


Baw Baw Shire Council is committed to being environmentally sustainable at events.

To help achieve this we have put together this easy 16 step guide to assist you in making your events more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Waste Management and Disposal

1. Packaging

Reduce the use of packaging when buying food, but if necessary - select materials that reduce waste and litter and are easily recycled.

2. Calculate the right number of bins

Consider both the area of space that you are going to use and the attendance you expect to calculate bin numbers.

3. Placement of bins

Recycling and landfill waste bins need to be placed side by side to give people the option of either recycling or waste disposal. A good example would be to place the bins close to food stalls.

4. Effective signage

Use standard, easy to read signs to reduce confusion. A full signage library is available on the Sustainability Victoria website.

5. Reuse

Use washable and reusable crockery and cutlery rather than single-use disposables or use recyclable plates, bowls, cups, and cutlery.

6. Reduce

Encourage caterers and food vendors to receive their fresh produce in re-usable boxes, rather than single-use disposables such as foam boxes. Or use reusable/recyclable materials for catering.

7. Compost

Where possible, compost your food scraps by creating a third food scraps bin.

8. Cleaning

Use washable cleaning cloths rather than disposable paper towels to help reduce rubbish.

Water Use and Consumption

9. Cleaning

Always use environmentally friendly soaps and detergents to ensure chemicals don't end up in our waterways.

10. Water wise toilets

Where possible, ensure toilets have a half flush function and use water efficient basins.

11. Drinking water

Bring back the tap! Aim to provide tap water instead of bottled. Portable water fountains can be hired from Council, if the event site has an active water supply the fountains can be connected to. For more information and to complete a booking form, visit Council's Event Equipment Hire page.

Energy and Power Usage

12. Power use

Reduce power use where possible, such as turning the lights off when they are not in use.


13. Sourcing food

Ask yourself; Is the food being provided local? Or in season?

14. Communication

Tell caterers, food vendors and participants about your event to get them on board with being more sustainable.

15. Biodiversity

Reduce the impact you have on your surroundings. Protect our flora and fauna!

16. Transport

Choose a venue with easy access to public transport to minimise the amount of car traffic to the event.

For more information, contact the Environmental Sustainability team on 5624 2411.