Speed Limits
Speed Limit Changes
Council receives many requests for changes to speed limits. Unfortunately, it is not simply a matter of installing a speed sign. There is a lengthy process required and Council cannot implement speed limit changes.
The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) are the responsible road management authority for all speed limits in Victoria. Council can apply to DTP for changes to speed zones and speed limits on local roads if it is in line with the speed zoning technical guidelines.
The process of applying to DTP involves Council undertaking a traffic engineering assessment, community consultation and then submitting a request to DTP for review and approval via their online portal. This is a lengthy process which can take more than twelve months. It is not guaranteed that DTP will approve a speed limit change application submitted by Council.
Council can however install additional speed limit signage on default unsigned speed limits of 50km/h and 100km/h in line with the speed zoning technical guidelines.
Details about how DTP determine speed limits and zones is available in the Speed Zoning Policy. Victorian Speed Zone Guidelines provide a framework to help the DTP make informed, accurate and consistent speed management decisions for Victorian communities Speed Zoning Technical Guidelines .
Rural Roads
In rural Victoria, the default speed limit outside of built-up areas is 100 km/h. This default speed limit operates on rural roads where there are no other speed limit signs. Some of the rural roads are now signed as 80 km/h posted speed limits depending on the road conditions. These roads will continue to be reviewed on an as needs basis.
Built Up Areas
The default speed limit for Victoria’s roads in built-up areas is 50 km/h and applies on all roads in suburban areas where there are no speed limit signs displayed. As high pedestrian and cyclist activity occurs in built-up areas some of our residential areas have signed 40km/h speed limits. Other roads are signed as 60km/hr speed limits as they may have an appropriate road design/visibility, insignificant crash history and a low level of pedestrians.
Arterial Roads
Council cannot apply for speed limit or speed zone changes on the arterial road network. This is under the control and management of DTP. You can search for freeways and arterial roads anywhere in Victoria using the Maps of Declared Roads.
School Roads
School speed zones are reduced-speed limit 40km/h areas located around schools. They’re designed to keep children safe by lowering the speed limit closest to the school access. Some school speed zones only operate before and after school, while others are all the time.
Speed Limit Signs
Road signs are used throughout Victoria to advise and enforce appropriate speed limits. Drivers must travel at or below the speed displayed on the speed limit sign. Speed limit signs are a regulatory road sign therefore it is illegal to disobey these signs. They are usually black and white and red.
Advisory speed signs are usually yellow, diamond-shaped with black text. These are warning signs which tell you there could be a danger ahead due to changing road conditions. They usually accompany other warning signs such as pedestrian, intersection and curves.
Speeding Drivers
Council receives many concerns regarding speeding drivers. Once a concern is received, we can investigate and conduct a traffic survey if we do not have existing data. The survey data provides us with an indication of traffic volume and vehicle speeds at the location at which it was undertaken.
Hooning issues in your street can be reported to Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000. You can contact them 24 hours a day seven days a week and talk to an operator who will pass on the information to the local police. It is helpful if you can provide them with as much detail as possible about the hoons and their vehicles.
Victoria Police also receive many concerns about speeding drivers. Where Council has recorded excessive speeds when undertaking traffic surveys, we can share this traffic data with Victoria Police for monitoring and enforcement.
If recorded vehicle speeds are excessive, the residential street can be included on the list for the Councils VMS (variable message signs) to be located in the street for a week. Various messages can be displayed on the sign including road safety messages or the speed limit.