Dangerous, Menacing and Restricted Breed Dogs
Restricted Breed Dogs
A restricted dog breed is a breed whose importation into Australia is prohibited under the Commonwealth Customs (Prohibited Importations) Regulations 1956. These include; Perro de Presa Canario, Tosa, American Pit Bull Terrier, Dogo Argentino and Fila Brasileiro.
Restricted breed dogs, under the Domestic Animals Amendment (Restricted Breed Dogs) Act 2017, may be registered with Council and must comply with housing and ownership requirements such as:
- Desexing
- Microchipping
- Prescribed collar worn at all times
- Warning signs displayed at entrances
- Prescribed enclosure
- Muzzled and on leash when off the owner’s premises
If you own a dog listed in the breeds listed below, please contact the Council on 5624 2411 to discuss registration requirements.
Declared Dangerous Dogs
Council may declare a dog dangerous if:
- It has caused the death of or serious injury to a person or animal by biting or attacking.
- The dog is already declared as a menacing dog and its owner has received at least two infringement notices for failing to comply with menacing dog requirements.
- The dog has been declared dangerous under a law of another State/Territory; or
- For any other reason prescribed under the Domestic Animal Act.
An owner of a Declared Dangerous dog must comply with requirements for keeping such a dog. For more information about these requirements, see the fact sheet below.
Declared Menacing Dogs
Council may declare a dog menacing if:
- The dog has rushed at or chased a person.
- The dog bites any person or animal causing injury to that person or animal that is not in the nature of a serious injury.
- The dog has been declared dangerous under a law of another State/Territory.
‘Rush at’ means that the dog approaches a person to a distance of less than three metres in a menacing manner, displaying aggressive tendencies that may include snarling, growling and raised hackles.
An owner of a Declared Menacing dog must comply with requirements for keeping such a dog. For more information about these requirements, see the fact sheets below.
Restricted Dog Breed |
Breed Image |
Perro de Presa Canario |
American Pit Bull Terrier |
Japanese Tosa
Fila Brasileiro |
Dogo Argentino