No longer on display. Expired on
24 May 2022, 05:00 PM
Baw Baw Shire Council (Council) gives notice under Section 114(2)(b) of the Local Government Act 2020 (Act) and Council’s community engagement policy that it intends to sell its land located at 1 Saleyards Road, Trafalgar, Victoria 3824, being the land in certificate of title volume 11595 folio 576 (Land).
The proposal is that the Land be sold by private treaty to the current tenant, ReTyre LaTrobe Valley Pty Ltd ACN 654 527 983 (Purchaser) on the following key terms:
1. a purchase price of $300,000.00 plus GST;
2. payment of a deposit of 10% of the price on exchange of contracts;
3. settlement will take place 30 days after the day of sale; and
4. the contract is conditional on the Purchaser obtaining finance for the purchase within 3 weeks after the day of sale.
A person may make a submission on the proposal.
Any person proposing to make a submission must do so by 24 May 2022. All submissions will be considered in accordance with Council’s community engagement policy.
Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and can be hand delivered to Council's Office at 33 Young Street, Drouin, emailed to or posted to PO Box 304. Warragul VIC 3820.
Any person requesting to be heard in support of their submission is entitled to be heard before Council (or a Committee established by Council for this purpose) or be represented by a person acting on their behalf, and will be notified of the time and date of the hearing.