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30 June 2022, 05:00 PM
Baw Baw Shire Council (Council) gives notice under section 114 of the Local Government Act 2020 (Vic) and under Council’s community engagement policy that it intends to grant a carriageway easement (Easement) as described below (proposal):
Easement: Easement for carriageway purposes over the area shown as E-1 on the [diagram shown at the bottom of this notice.
Burdened Land: Part Reserve No. 1 PS605483E (contained in certificate of title Volume 11455 Folio 502) and Part Reserve No. 2 PS630101F (contained in certificate of title Volume 11476 Folio 276).
The proposal is that the Easement is granted in favour of, and to benefit, Lot 1 PS802467D (contained in certificate of title Volume 12143 Folio 547, and known as 9 Kingburgh Close, Drouin VIC 3818) and Lot 1 PS718781Q (contained in certificate of title Volume 11482 Folio 647, and known as 30 Harmon Drive, Drouin VIC 3818).
The principal terms of the proposal are:
The creation of the Easement is contemplated by planning permit PLA0169/13.A.
Prior to the grant of the Easement, it is proposed that Council and the owners of the benefitting land will enter into an agreement pursuant to section 173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 pursuant to which the owners of the benefitting land will be responsible for the on-going maintenance and repair of the Easement area.
A person may make a submission on the proposal. Any person proposing to make a submission must do so by June 30, 2022.
All submissions will be considered in accordance with Council’s community engagement policy.
Any person making a submission is entitled to request in the submission that the person wishes to appear in person, or to be represented by a person specified in the submission, at a meeting to be heard in support of that submission.
Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and can be hand delivered to Council's Office at 33 Young Street, Drouin, emailed to or posted to PO Box 304. Warragul VIC 3820.
Any person requesting to appear in person or to be represented by a person specified in his or her submission will be notified of the day, time and place of the meeting of the Council or of a committee determined by the Council to hear submissions.