Site Management Plan

Baw Baw Shire Council (Council) has experienced significant development over the past ten years, a trend that is likely to continue. Council aims to balance community amenity with the rights of developers and builders, while also protecting its assets and ensuring public safety.

Council has zero tolerance to the following activities:
• Dust, noise and site spoil on roads and footpaths;
• Unnecessary restricted access to roads and adjoining properties; and
• Damage to and unauthorised occupation of Council property.

Works pertaining to the approved Site Management Plan will be monitored by the Responsible Authority. Any failure to adhere to the conditions of the approved Site Management Plan may be subject to further action by the Responsible Authority.

Compliance Officers will monitor your site throughout all project phases to ensure adherence to permits and Local Laws. Any damage to Council assets will result in full cost recovery by the Council. Repeated or serious breaches may lead to prosecution, in line with enforcement models used by other councils.