Object to a Planning Application
If you believe that you may be affected by the granting of an advertised planning permit, you can object.
What should I include in my objection?
- Full name, relevant postal address, phone number & email address
- The planning application number
- State the reasons for the objection and how you would be affected by the grant of a permit.
How do I make an objection?
You can object using the online form below, or in writing.
Click here to download a printable form(PDF, 65KB) to object in writing.
Provide your written submission:
Objections received by Council may be considered up until the application is determined.
Note: Objections are not confidential. As required by Section 57 of the Planning & Environment Act, your name and address may be made available to any person, including the applicant, for the purpose of consideration as part of the public planning process.
Petitions and multiple signatories
Petitions are counted as one objection, regardless of the number of signatories.
Separate objections are required from each petitioner if they wish to have objector status and appeal rights, otherwise only the first signatory - or any other person as directed - will be registered as an objector.
Appealing a decision
When a decision is reached, as an objector you will receive a copy of the decision.
If the planning permit is granted and you are unhappy with the decision, you may be able to appeal to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).