The purpose of the PSP review is to identify and document the issues and shortcomings of the current PSPs. The review provides recommendations for changes required to enhance the performance and efficiency of the PSPs to achieve the intended outcomes suitable for peri-urban areas like Warragul and Drouin. The review also identifies errors and anomalies within the PSPs that require correction.
The current Warragul and Drouin PSPs were prepared by the former Metropolitan Planning Authority (MPA) in consultation with Council, State agencies and other stakeholders. The PSPs and Amendment C108 to the Baw Baw Planning Scheme that introduced the Urban Growth Zone (UGZ) to the PSP areas were approved in October 2014.
Since 2014, development within the PSP areas have been occurring at a rapid rate. There are concerns from the development industry, some State agencies and planners of the difficulties using the current PSPs. Local communities are also concerned with the suburban-type developments that are occurring which compromise the unique rural character and natural environment of Baw Baw.
Given the rapid rate of growth already occurring and compromised outcomes in some areas, the need to review the PSPs has become necessary.
Council has committed to review and enhance the performance and efficiency of the PSPs to ensure orderly development outcomes that better align with current requirements and community sentiments.