Sporting Reserves within Precinct Structure Plans

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In 2014, Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) were prepared for Drouin and Warragul which set out the growth areas, along with important infrastructure to support the increased population. In addition to new roads, paths, open space, community centres, schools, retail and industrial precincts, the PSPs identified five sites set aside for future sporting reserves across the two towns.

These sporting reserves must be developed in accordance with a masterplan adopted by or prepared to the satisfaction of Council. The masterplans provide direction for the use of the spaces and facilities that are required at each of the sporting reserves.

The five sites include:


  • McGlone Sporting Reserve: A 6.30ha site located between McGlone Road and a waterway.
  • Weebar Sporting Reserve: An 11.10ha site located at the intersection of Dyall and Weebar Roads.


  • Dollarburn Sporting Reserve: An 8.75ha site co-located with a potential government primary school and community centre alongside a waterway.
  • Lillico Sporting Reserve: A 12.17ha site located adjacent to the Lillico volcanic land formation.
  • Spring Creek Sporting Reserve: A 6.75ha site located adjacent to a waterway.

The concept masterplans were informed by a demographic review to 2041, along with a sports demand analysis(PDF, 879KB) and literature review(PDF, 192KB) for 22 of the main sports currently played within Baw Baw Shire. The masterplans reflect the projected sporting needs that cannot be accommodated at existing sites.

At the 9 February 2022 Council Meeting, Council adopted the concept masterplans for the McGlone, Weebar, Dollarburn and Lillico sporting reserves. Council will receive a future report for consideration regarding the Spring Creek sporting reserve.