Included in this guide are all the application forms you may need when building a new home in our beautiful Shire.
All, some or none of these forms may be included in your approved cost set out by your builder and/or building surveyor. Please check what is included so that documentation isn’t completed twice.
Each department has a direct email to help get your information to the best person efficiently. To ensure everything can be processed quickly, please make sure that all the requested information is attached. By submitting these forms you are ensuring that all bases are covered and Council has the information required to make a quick decision.
In the final section there is a collection of forms for the very end of your build such as requesting a garbage service.
Relevant payments can be made online.

Planning Permits
Depending on where your block it situated you may require a Planning Permit. Click here for application forms and helpful links.
A town planner will assess whether a permit is required or not. If it is not required this will be forwarded to you in writing signed by a Statutory Planner.
If a Permit is required, please visit our website's Planning Permit section for more information, including an application form.
Please complete the application and return with the appropriate fee. Please provide all requested documentation to ensure we have the correct information to make a quick and informed decision.
Development Contribution Plan (DCP)
The DCP Levy is required to be paid by anyone building a new home. The Development Contribution Plan Levy is required before a Building permit can be applied for.
Contact the Planning Team

If your property is not connected to a sewer main, you are responsible for ensuring all wastewater is treated and retained on your property. It is important that your septic system does not pose a threat to public health or the environment.
The EPA outlines that a well-functioning septic tank, typically needs to be desludged once every 3 to 8 years (depending on household practices and size of the tank). Landowners are asked to send desludge receipts to Council’s Public Health unit so we can help you with your obligations as well as protect public and environmental health.
You need to work with us if you are planning onsite wastewater treatment for:
- The subdivision of land in an unsewered area
- Building a new house in an unsewered area
- Altering a building with an existing onsite wastewater system, or
- Altering an existing onsite wastewater system.
Please contact a local plumber to get advice on what type of septic system is suitable for your property and to complete the Install/Alter Waste Disposal System Application Form(PDF, 86KB) .
The applicable fee may or may not be included in the costs of the plumber for installation so please check prior to making payment.
For more information, please visit this website's Septic System section.
Contact the Public Health Team

Asset Protection Permit
After you have your building permit and before any works can commence, your builder will need to apply for an Asset Protection Permit.
An Asset Protection Permit allows your builder to cross the Council nature strip, kerb and channel and footpath to complete building works on your block.
Prior to the Asset Protection Permit application, you need to consider if there is any existing damage to Council assets on your block. This information should be included in your permit application. If there is damage caused by the builder it will need to be rectified to the standard of the Responsible Authority.
For more information about Asset Protection Permits, please click here.
Works Within a Road Reserve Permit (WWRR)
The Works Within a Road Reserve Permit allows you to construct a crossover through the naturestrip for your driveway. The crossover is the Council owned section of land between the footpath and road kerb and channel. Click here for further information and to apply online.
Some things to take into consideration when applying for your WWRR permit include:
- Is there an intersection closer than 10 meters from the proposed crossover site?
- Are there any pits or assets such as NBN pits, storm water points, light posts, sign posts or pram crossings within a meter of the proposed crossover site?
Driveway Access Permits
Formally known as a Crossover Permit, a Driveway Access permit is required by Council to construct, alter or remove driveway access to your property from a Council maintained road.
These permits are required to ensure that the proposed access works meet the appropriate standards and protect Council assets during construction. A visual representation of driveway access guidelines can be found here.(PDF, 345KB)
Click here for more information about Driveway Access Permits.
Contact the Asset Protection Team

Building Permit
Your Building Surveyor, nominated either by yourself or your builder will take care of most of the building aspect of your new home.
Baw Baw Shire Council has privatised building permits and these are now granted by Building Surveyors outside of Council.
For more Information on Building please visit the Building Permits section of Council’s website.
Contact the Building Team

Registering Your Pet
If you have any pet cats or dogs, they will need to be registered to your property. If they are currently unregistered, please complete the online animal registration application form, providing proof of desexing and any other applicable documentation.
Pet registrations may be transferred from another municipality, free of charge, providing the animal is microchipped and proof of payment is provided.
If they are already registered in Baw Baw Shire and have moved house, please complete the online form or email the Compliance Team to notify them of the change.
Please ensure that your animal is wearing a registration tag at all times to assist in immediate identification and return.
Please note: All pets must be microchipped.
Council maintains a lost animal register to help owners find their pets and ensure their prompt return. If Council officers pick up your pet and are unable to contact you, your pet will be placed in the Municipal Animal Pound at a cost to the owner.
Baw Baw Shire’s Municipal Animal Pound is located at 61 Princes Way, Longwarry North (by appointment only).
For more information about responsible pet ownership, what to do if there is a barking dog or a list of your local off leash areas, please visit the Animals section of Council's website.
Contact the Compliance Team

Bin Requests
Bins can only be delivered to a property if requested by the owner and once a certificate of occupancy is issued (by your building surveyor). A bin service includes three bins and any replacements and/or repairs as necessary.
The fee is charged pro-rata depending on the time of year that you order your bins and are included on you rates notice. You do not need to pay for the service upfront.
For more information and application forms, including requesting additional bins, please visit Bins, Rubbish and Hard Waste Collection. Your bins will be delivered within five business days of the application being processed.
Hard Waste and Transfer Station Information
There are numerous hard waste disposal options available to residents. To find out more, visit the website's Hard Waste section.
Council operates tips, or transfer stations, in four locations across the Shire: Lardner, Trafalgar, Neerim South and Erica.
For more information including tip locations, opening times, charges and disposable items, visit the Tip Information section of this website.
Contact the Waste Management Team

Paying Your Rates
There are multiple options for rates payments which are all outlined on your quarterly notice. If you would like to have your rates deducted from your bank account via direct debit, please complete the direct debit request form.
Payments can be deducted fortnightly, monthly or quarterly and are taken out on a set date. Any changes to your direct debit payments can be requested via email to or a new form can be completed.
Change of Address
You will most likely need to update the postal address for your new home. Once you’ve moved in, please complete the change of address form to ensure we’re sending your mail to the right place.
Near Me
Find your local services, Councillors, bin collection days, and information specific to your location by typing your address into the Near Me function on Council's website.
Contact us