Precinct Structure Plans
What is a PSP?
PSP is short for Precinct Structure Plan. A Precinct Structure Plan is a master plan which sets out the location and requirements for future growth in a particular area.
How are PSPs created?
Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) along with Council identifies areas for growth. For this instance, Baw Baw Shire’s growth areas were identified through Settlement Management Plan 2013.
After the growth areas are identified then the following steps are followed:
- Undertake background studies related to drainage, traffic, vegetation, community facilities, open space and any other relevant issue.
- After the background study, detailed plans for infrastructure, residential area, community facilities and other relevant spatial plans are prepared for Council, stakeholders and community to review.
- VPA produces the final PSPs for growth areas along with calculation for development contributions.
- The Planning Minister approves the final PSPs and incorporates into the Planning Scheme.
The following consultations occurred as part of the preparation and finalisation of the PSPs:
- public consultation between 18 June and 18 July 2014
- a mailout to 1200 landowners
- social media
- public notices in the local papers
- two drop-in sessions
- One on one site meetings where requested.
Why do we have PSPs?
PSP’s are created by the State Government in conjunction with the local Council. They are created for areas experiencing significant growth. The benefit of a PSP is that growth is planned for in advance, with infrastructure items like shopping centres, schools, parks, walking tracks and road links all pre-planned. This is to ensure that the level of infrastructure provided is appropriate for the increased population predicted and located in positions central to the intended users.
Who pays for all the new infrastructure?
PSPs are self-funding with the major infrastructure funded by a Development Contribution Plan (DCP). All Developers in the PSP area are required to contribute financially to the DCP, which is then used to fund road, drainage, parks, walking track, community centre and recreation reserve projects. Click here to learn more about DCPs and how they work.
Are subdivision applications in a PSP area advertised like a normal application?
No, planning permit applications in a PSP area are not subject to advertising to neighbouring properties or the wider community. This is because community consultation was carried out as an important part of the creation of the PSP, with the community able to raise concerns or important considerations at that time.
Further information