Kelly Koochew Park


Named in honour of the late Kelly Koochew, this park sits atop Warragul's Waterford Rise estate and features large open grass areas and playground surrounded by spectacular rock gardens. 

Read the story behind the name

Click the drop down box below to learn more about Kelly Koochew, and how this park came to be named after her.

About Kelly Koochew

Kelly Koochew was a Warragul resident and business owner, founding member of Women in Gippsland, and committee member of the Warragul Farmer's Market and Baw Baw Food Movement. Kelly was involved in the launch and promotion of Waterford Rise Estate, including organising a public 'block party' attended by more than 1,000 people in 2014. Kelly worked for Kingbuilt Homes and Vin Rowe Farm Machinery prior to her unexpected passing in 2018.

She is survived by her husband, Nick Rowe, and their daughters Issie, Zoe, and Lola.

Kelly Koochew was widely respected in the community.

Lifelong friend Michelle Lindeman said that Kelly made her friends and family feel so special, "when we were talking to her, we were the most important person in the world and there’s no where else she would rather be than right in that very moment. You always came away from seeing her wanting more."

"If there’s one quote that surmises Kel’s legacy, I think it would be by Maya Angelou, an American poet who famously quipped “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. 

This park was named after Kelly Koochew by Council at its 6 March 2024 Council Meeting, following a recommendation from Council's Place Names Advisory Committee.

Kelly's family attended the meeting, where her daughter Isabel spoke about the memories she has spending time in Warragul with her mum and their friends.

“Growing up in Warragul, my sisters and I spent many hours with our mothers’ group friends, playing, eating and - sometimes as babies - sleeping in Warragul’s beautiful parks,” Isabel said.

“I am a bit too young to remember the things my mum did in our community, but my special other mum’s group mum’s Irie, Sallie and Tania always remind me how she always said, “aren't we so lucky” to live in a district like the Baw Baw Shire.”

Kelly's parents Ian and Glenda reflected on their daughter's relationship with her daughters.

"Kelly imparted constant wisdom to her girls, whether it was discussing, over dinner, the best thing that happened during the day or whether they’d been at kindie. An everyday drive to school entailed a spirited observation of the changing colour of leaves or a new gaggle of ducklings. The girls have been steeped in Kell’s love of nature." 

Click here to read more about the decision to name this park after Kelly Koochew.


2 Stoke Street, Warragul 3820  View Map

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