


Council is a proud member of the Live4Life Baw Baw partnership that is working to improve youth mental health and reduce youth suicide.

Extract from Live4Life website:

“Live4Life communities deliver Teen and accredited Youth Mental Health First Aid training in schools and the wider community, create local partnerships to lead conversations about mental health that reduce stigma, and promote young leaders as mental health ambassadors.”

“Live4Life Baw Baw was launched in 2020 and is delivered in partnership with all secondary schools and other education providers in the Shire as well as six community agencies. The lead agent is Latrobe Regional Hospital.”

Council leads the student engagement component of Live4Life Baw Baw called The Crew.  It is made up of students from each of the participating secondary schools. The Crew coordinate positive mental health promotion activities throughout the year that are designed and delivered by youth. The Crew is supported by nominated education staff from their school, and Council Officers.

Visit Our communities: Baw Baw — Live4Life to find out more.