Trafalgar Recreation Master Plan Review Extended Text Description


The Trafalgar Recreation Precinct Master Plan was developed to provide a clear guide on the type and location of recreation facilities required for the current and future recreation needs of the Trafalgar community.  

The Plan was adopted by Council on 25 March 2009.

During 2013/2014, Council requested a review of recreation masterplans. Councillors undertook consultation with affected sporting groups and committees of management and a draft review document was released for public consultation in September 2014.

The Trafalgar Recreation Precinct Master Plan received 38 submissions during the consultation phase. This feedback, including priorities has been reviewed and used to inform this final review document. 

This document shows the original masterplan for the site and the updated masterplan so that a comparison can be made on the changes. The full version of the original Trafalgar Recreation Precinct Master Plan can be viewed on Council’s website.

The plan focuses on sporting facilities and associated infrastructure located at the Trafalgar sporting precinct.

Master Plan Review Summary

Since 2009, the following recommendations have been implemented at the Reserve:

  • Construction of two new grass sports pitches with sand profile, drainage and irrigation, associated lighting and pavilion
  • Expansion and resurfacing of netball facilities to meet Netball Victoria run off requirements
  • Feasibility study for community wetland for storm water reuse  
  • Designs of recreation reserve entry

The 2014/2015 capital works budget includes funds to connect existing septic systems into the sewer.

Financial and Implementation Plan

The implementation of the Trafalgar Recreation Precinct Master Plan will be dependent on available funding and the priorities of funding partners. This Plan is one of many recreation plans across the municipality and represents only a small section of Council’s total asset groups.

In order to reduce the overall financial commitment required from Baw Baw Shire, external funding opportunities and contributions will be explored from all potential stakeholders including clubs / associations, developers, schools, Committees of Management, Government Departments and associated authorities. 

The financial commitments outlined in the table on this page indicative estimates only and may change following detailed design works. Cost escalations should be considered.

The actions were prioritised as part of the consultation process into high, medium or low priority rankings. Some factors that may impact on the rankings include risk management, statutory or legal requirements; demand; the order in which sites can be developed and impact on participation. 

Further prioritisation of actions within each of these priority categories will be guided by the availability of funding, project readiness / approvals, establishment of partnerships and risk management.

Actions  Priority Indicative Cost/ Comment
Undertake a Trafalgar Public Facilities Audit   Complete as part of Council’s asset management program
Construct two soccer fields to accommodate senior level playing   Complete
Construct new pavilion for soccer   Complete
Undertake works to ensure ongoing safe provision of netball facilities   Complete
Feasibility study on wetlands   Complete
Audit of existing lighting infrastructure   Complete
Construct one minimum size senior football/ cricket oval Low $935,000
Short term refurbishment works to existing building Low $100,000
Undertake design and documentation of the new Multi-Use Complex: Either extend and re-furbish the existing pavilion or construct a new building Low $115,000
Undertake works associated with the new Multi-Use Complex to include club rooms, storage, change rooms, external access public toilets and function space Low $2,470,000
Provision of new shelters/ seating/ viewing areas for netball (change/ toilet/ shower facilities to be accommodated within multi-use complex) Low $5,000
Shelter for second oval Low $10,000
Construct Equestrian Precinct High $550,000
Construct new parking (approx. 40 cars) on eastern side of pitches High $250,000
New entry from Reserve road including road widening High $150,000
Sealed access and parking improvements to northern side of ground Low $500,000
Investigate sustainable water solutions Medium Will depend on chosen solution  
Undertake construction of cricket nets Low $70,000
Once equestrian has relocated, consider future Council depot on existing equestrian site Low
Parking (approx. 100 cars) on western side of Reserve for pitches and second oval Low $400,000
Upgrade lighting to oval to training standard Low $170,000
Upgrade lighting to netball courts Medium $35,000
Ensure fencing of playground is secure High $10,000
Refurbish public toilets Medium $20,000
Lighting to second oval Low $150,000
Adventure playground Low  $100,000
Total   $6,040,000

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