Happy holidays! Over the Christmas period, Customer Service will be closed from midday on Tuesday the 24th of December and will reopen on Monday the 30th of December. Customer Service will be closed on Wednesday the 1st of January and will reopen on Thursday the 2nd of January.
Click here for more information
Committees, made up of dedicated community members, manage recreation facilities and public halls on behalf of Baw Baw Shire Council. These groups are called Community Asset Committees, which are formal entities under the Victoria Local Government Act 2020.
There are 15 of these Committees in Baw Baw Shire who are supported by committed and hardworking volunteers which keep community facilities running.
Baw Baw Shire Council has a Good Practice Guide which contains all the information and forms you need to manage community facilities.
If you would like to speak with someone at Baw Baw Shire Council about Community Asset Committees and managing recreation reserves or public halls, email the Recreation team or phone 5624 2411.
If you would like to view a copy of the minutes from any of the below listed committees, please contact the Recreation Team at Baw Baw Shire on 03 5624 2411.
Please note that meeting dates can change from time to time due to volunteer committee member availability. If you are interested in attending a committee meeting please get in contact with the committee or Council's Recreation Team.
If you are interested in joining a committee or making a booking at one of the halls or reserves managed by a Council Community Asset Committee, please use the below enquiry form to submit your enquiry directly to the committee.
Meets on the first Sunday of each quarter.
Meets on the second Monday night of the month every two months.
Meets on the third Thursday of the month every two months.
Meets on the fourth Tuesday of each quarter.
Meets on the first Monday of each quarter.
Meets on the first Wednesday of December, April and August.
Meets on the first Monday in May and July and the first Sunday in March and August.
Meets on the fourth Monday every two months.
The Erica Community Committee of Management meets bi-monthly on the third Thursday of every second month.
Meets on the third Wednesday every two months.
Meets on the third Tuesday of each month.
Meets on the third Wednesday of January, March, July & October.
Meets on the third Tuesday of each quarter.