Community Learning

The Baw Baw Community Learning Calendar has been developed so that Council can make various training sessions and workshops available for interested community members to be involved in.
Many workshops have been held this year on topics including business planning, secrets of successful arts businesses, information and online training relating to grants as well as writing for grant applications, and others.
The page is regularly updated to include new opportunities as they become available, so please take the time to have a look.
If you are interested in other learning opportunities, courses and sessions are run through Community House, West Gippsland Regional Libraries, TAFE Gippsland, service clubs, Community College Gippsland, Probus, U3A, business networks and sporting clubs.
If you have any questions regarding the Baw Baw Community Learning Calendar please email Council or call 5624 2411.
Upcoming Learning Opportunities
There are currently no upcoming learning opportunities. Please check again soon.