Activities For Children


The following list of activities are just some of the activities available for children across the Shire.

To find more activities for children, you may wish to search the Local Directory, our Calendar of Events, or contact a Parenting Support Group or your local schools, child care and kindergarten services.

Please note that Council is necessarily affiliated with nor endorses the groups and activities listed here. Council does not accept any responsibility or liability, legal or otherwise, for the groups and activities included on this page. For more information, go to Council’s Disclaimer and Copyright.

Baby Rhyme Time

Fun program of rhyming, singing for children aged up to 12 months, children under two years are all welcome.

Where: Warragul Library, Victoria Street, Warragul.

When: Thursday at 10.00am (Baby Rhyme Time), Friday at 10.00am (StoryTime) 

Where: Drouin Library, 136 Princes Way, Drouin

When: Monday and Wednesday 10.30am (StoryTime), Wednesday 2.30pm (Baby Rhyme Time)

Phone: 5622 2848

Visit the MyLi website for more information.

DAP Playgroup

A safe, inclusive and friendly place where parents/carers and children can relax and have fun.

Where: back of Drouin Anglican Church, 128-132 Princes Way, Drouin

When: 9.30-11am on Mondays during school terms

Phone: 0477 460 461 or 0428 311 191

Drouin Toy Library

All families are welcome to join Drouin Toy Library. They cater for all the developmental and educational needs of our community including disabilities, bilingual families and home schooling.

Where: Drouin Presbyterian Church, 1 Church Street, Drouin.

When: Every Friday from 9am - 12pm (during school terms), fortnightly on Saturday mornings 9am-10am (during school terms).

New borrowers are always welcome. The Drouin Toy Library also operates as a free play centre with free coffee and tea provided.

Visit Drouin Presbyterian for more information.

Fiddlesticks Performing Arts

Babies and Preschool music classes  

Where: 19 Albert St, Warragul   


Contact: Jayne 0407 885 184

Parks and Recreation

The Baw Baw Shire has many local parks with play equipment and barbecue facilities.

Visit Council's Parks and Playgrounds page.


Provide a social opportunity for both parents and children. Hours and contact details see local directory at Maternal Child Health Centres.

Phone: 1800 171 882

Visit the Playgroup Victoria website.

Ready Steady Go Kids

Multi Sport and Exercise Program on Tuesday mornings.

Program for Preschoolers.

Age 2.5—6 years

Phone: 1300 766 892

Visit the Ready Steady Go Kids website. 

Sonshine Toy Library Inc. 

Wide range of quality toys and equipment to assist your child’s development from birth to seven years.


  • Warragul - Corner of Normanby Street & Cambridge Drive.

Phone. 5623 1923

Visit the Sonshine Toy Library website.

Story Time

A wonderful way to introduce young children to the safe, friendly and welcoming environment of your local library.

Where: Warragul Library, Victoria Street, Warragul.

When: Friday at 10.30am.

Where: Drouin Library, 136 Princes Way, Drouin

When: Wednesday at 10.30am.

Phone: 5622 2848

Visit the Myli website.

Tumble Train Gymnastics

The magic of development begins with movement and play! KindaGym is a fun way for your kids to gain confidence, enjoy friendships, build coordination, develop strength and learn through movement at their own pace.

Where: Factory 4, 3 Pearse Street Warragul

Contact: Sarah Shipard on 0410 076 922

(held week days during school terms —bookings essential)

Warragul Community Garden

The gardens provide significant opportunities for people to connect, build skills, enjoy the outdoors and plant, grow, produce and eat their own food.

Visit the Growing Together Baw Baw website.

Email Growing Together Baw Baw

Warragul Community House

Adult education, hobby classes, computer classes, social activities and support groups.

Where:138 Normanby Street, Warragul

Phone: 5623 6032 or 5622 0209

Visit the Warragul Community House website.

Warragul Gymnastics Club

Programs for children from 3.5 years.

Where: Drill Hall, 40 Alfred Street, Warragul

Phone: 5622 3144

West Gippsland Arts Centre

Please contact the Arts Centre to check on family friendly events. 

Where: Corner Smith Street and Albert Street, Warragul

Phone: 5624 2456

Email the West Gippsland Arts Centre. 

Visit the West Gippsland Arts Centre website. 

Myli - My Community Library

Membership and programs are free. Borrow books, DVDs and videos, music CD’s, talking books and. magazines.

Where: Locations include Drouin, Neerim South, Warragul and a mobile library.

Phone: 5622 2848

Visit the Myli website.

YMCA—Group Fitness

Exercise in a fun and supported environment.

Where: Warragul Leisure Centre, 21 Burke Street, Warragul.

Phone: 5623 4017

Young Mum’s Group

For young women up to 25 years.

When: Every Wednesday during school term from 10.00am—12.00pm.

Where: Community Health Services, 31-35 Gladstone Street, Warragul.

Phone: 5624 3500