Tanjil Bren Water Co-Operative Limited & Recreation Reserves CoM

The Tanjil Bren Recreation Reserves Committee of Management works with and on behalf of the Baw Baw Shire Council to manage and maintain the Tanjil Bren Recreation Reserve land and facilities. 

The Tanjil Bren Water Co-operative Limited is responsible for maintaining and improving the water storage pipeline and equipment used to supply water to properties and fire hydrants in the village of Tanjil Bren. 

The small community of Tanjil Bren comprises just over 40 residential sites a far cry from the 1947 census which recorded a population of 346 people. Every year members of the Tanjil Bren Water Co-Op and Recreation Reserves CoM volunteer over 100 hours to manage and maintain the Village of Tanjil Bren and its immediate surrounds.  We hope you enjoy your time spent in this unique setting.

Important Information: 

Visitors and householders are advised that the water supply is drawn from a naturally flowing stream and is untreated.  “DO NOT DRINK” signs have been attached to all taps in the public reserve area and toilet amenities block.  Households are advised to boil their water prior to consumption.

All Tanjil Bren site holders are required to be members of the Tanjil Bren Water Co-Operative Limited. If you are purchasing a property in Tanjil Bren, contact the Tanjil Bren Water Co-Operative to ensure important Member information is provided to you.




Tanjil Bren Recreation Reserves Committee of Management,  Tanjil Bren 3833