Proactive Ageing and Caring


Melanie is an Occupational Therapist based in Warragul, Victoria who has 10+ years of experience in the community health and aged care sector. Proactive ageing and caring is a resource for older adults and their families to help plan for the ageing journey.

Proactive ageing and caring was born out of a passion for families and people of an older age. I have seen, both personally and professionally, the challenges that arise when someone becomes unwell or is injured as an older person. These crises can be particularly confronting and distressing if there is no plan in place to manage during this time or if discussing a plan at the time of the crisis is difficult. The ensuing times can be stressful, chaotic and people are often left feeling very out of control. While it is certainly not possible to predict when you may become ill or injured, working on a plan for prevention or how to manage should something happen, is possible. 

The key here is to be proactive; intending to produce a good result or avoid a problem, rather than waiting for a problem to arise. I believe with a plan in place and some thought for the future, older adults and families can work cohesively together and with health professionals to enact a plan that is in the best interest of the person/s involved. 

I hope this resource can help older people and their families to think through, plan and discuss together wishes and ways to maintain quality of life and independence as they age.