Friends of Drouin's Trees
Our Objectives
To protect, preserve and enhance the natural landscape, trees, wetlands and wildlife of Drouin and to encourage planting and improvements to the natural landscape. Aims to be met through:
- Education to raise awareness of the value and significance of trees and the things that threaten their future and to encourage and enhance opportunities for enjoyment of the natural landscape.
- Working with Baw Baw Shire Council and other Government agencies and advocating for positive change while opposing inappropriate development and the unnecessary loss of trees.
- Work with other community groups to achieve positive outcomes for the town, its landscape and its people.
The natural landscape encompasses trees, both native and introduced, other vegetation, wetlands and wildlife. Threats include inappropriate development, ignorance, road widening, safety concerns, parking, poor planning. The threat of climate change must be tackled on many fronts, but the preservation and expansion of forests and urban forests is an important part of climate change mitigation.
Desired Outcomes
- The preservation of remnant forest, significant trees both native and introduced, wetlands and appropriate wildlife corridors.
- Greater awareness and appreciation of the landscape by the whole community.
- Increased planting and improvements to the landscape.
- Improved health and well-being through encouraging and facilitating outdoor activities.
- Changes to Council’s operations and planning procedures to incorporate greater protection for trees.
Membership is voluntary and open to everyone and includes the following roles:
- Co-ordinator: Convene and chair meetings, meet with members of other community groups, and liaise with the Council Secretary, while also keeping minutes of meetings, communicating with group members, and managing correspondence.
- Other members: All members contribute through working bees, liaison and advocacy, presentation of talks, wildlife surveys, leading walks, lobbying Federal, State and Council Departments, applying for grants, raising funds and a variety of activities.
A wider group of friends of friends receive information and participate in some activities.
An annual evaluation of achievements and the outcomes met will be conducted and shared at the Committee for Drouin AGM.