Timber Towns Victoria Annual General Meeting to take place in Baw Baw

Published on 06 August 2024

Local Government Association Timber Towns Victoria will tour the Baw Baw Shire region as part of their Annual General Meeting to be held this week.

The Association, which represents the interests of municipal Councils in relation to forestry on both public and private land, will on Thursday visit several local businesses across Baw Baw as part of their activities for the week. The AGM will be held the following day on Friday 9 August at the West Gippsland Arts Centre in Warragul.

Following the Victorian Government's announcement in 2023 to cease native timber harvesting in state forests, Baw Baw Shire Council is committed to supporting the area’s transition away from native timber harvesting and creating new economic and social opportunities in the towns most impacted by this change.

The Shaping the Future of Noojee project forms a key part of this work.

Noojee was one of 11 towns that received a grant through the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action to support the community and develop the local economy through a Local Development Strategy. The grant provides an opportunity for the Noojee community to identify local strengths and explore opportunities for innovation and diversification to ensure a thriving community and successful future.

Councillor Michael Leaney, Deputy Chair of Timber Towns Victoria, said the site visits will help the group members to better understand how local businesses are transitioning and creating new opportunities in the wake of the cessation of native timber harvesting in state forests.

Cr Leaney said he was proud of the work Council and Timber Towns Victoria was doing to help the affected regions refocus.

“Timbers Town Victoria will continue to advocate for the economic viability and ongoing sustainability of the towns and regions significantly impacted by the closure of native timber harvesting in state forests, and the State Government’s Forestry Transition Program has provided valuable assistance to affected communities and businesses,” Cr Leaney said.

Baw Baw Shire Mayor Cr Annemarie McCabe said it was positive to see Timber Towns Victoria touring the region and reiterated the importance of the State Government’s grants program in supporting the timber industry’s transition.

“The funding provided by the State Government is vital to help our region continue to navigate through a time of intense change, and will help to generate much needed economic activity and ensure ongoing prosperity,” she said.

To find out more about Shaping the Future of Noojee, visit www.bawbawconnect.com.au/hub-page/noojee or to find out more about the Foresty Transition Program, head to www.deeca.vic.gov.au/forestry/forestry-transition-program.

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