Mayor and Deputy Mayor elected to lead Baw Baw Shire Council
Published on 20 November 2024
Baw Baw Shire Councillors have elected Central Ward Councillor Danny Goss as Mayor and West Ward Councillor Tricia Jones as Deputy Mayor for the first 12-months of the Council term.
The decision was made by unanimous vote of the newly sworn-in Councillors at today’s Statutory Council Meeting.
Cr Goss and Cr Jones bring extensive experience to their leadership roles having both served as Councillors for multiple consecutive terms.
Cr Goss was first elected to Council in 2016 and begins his nineth consecutive year as a Baw Baw Shire Councillor. He has previously served as Mayor for two one-year terms in 2019/20 and 2020/21.
Cr Jones is the longest standing Councillor at Baw Baw Shire, first elected in 2008 and now enters her seventeenth consecutive year on Council. She has previous served as Deputy Mayor for two one-year terms in 2011/12 and most recently in 2023/24 just prior to the election.
Now in his third tenure as Mayor, Cr Goss was honoured for the opportunity to use his vast experience to lead Council into a new era with the community at the forefront.
“I thank my fellow Councillors for their support and generosity in nominating me for Mayor. I humbly accept the job knowing the responsibilities and expectations involved. We will strive to be open and transparent to the public, and we will do our job as Councillors to the best of our ability”, said Cr Goss.
“This Councillor group brings a diverse set of skills and experience to the table. The community sent a strong message with their votes during the election, and we are ready to get to work for our community.
“No doubt we’ll have challenges along the way, but it’s about how we respond to these challenges that matter. We look forward to what we can do to serve our community and promise to do our absolute best to lead with respect for our community and for each other.”
Cr Goss also thanked his family for their ongoing support.
Deputy Mayor Cr Jones was grateful to once again serve as Deputy Mayor with a focus on supporting positive outcomes for the whole Shire.
“It’s an exciting time for the Shire with six fresh Councillors who are passionate and excited. Each Councillor has a unique, but shared vision to make Baw Baw Shire a stand-out Council”, said Cr Jones.
“Despite our tight budget, we’re committed to achieving our goals with the help of State and Federal funding. With the ongoing support of our CEO and the officers, I believe we can get some great things over the line in the next four years.
“Moving forward, we will continue to build on the foundations of those that have come before us. I am committed to being a valued contributing member of this Council as a Councillor and as Deputy Mayor.”
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor will serve a one-year term in their roles.
During the meeting, several Councillor committee appointments were made, and Council adopted a fortnightly Council Meeting schedule for 2025 with Council Meetings to be held in the afternoons on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month.
All nine Councillors are currently participating in a mandatory and extensive induction program in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020. In addition to this induction program, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor will participate in additional mandatory training designed to help them fulfil their roles as leaders of the Council.
The first Ordinary Council Meeting for the term will be held at 1.00pm on Wednesday 4 December 2024 in the Fountain Room of the West Gippsland Arts Centre. Members of the public are welcome to attend in person or tune into the live stream via Council’s website.
Full list of Baw Baw Shire Councillors
The new Baw Baw Shire Council was declared at 2.00pm on Friday 8 November 2024 by the Victorian Electoral Commission following the election.
There are nine Councillors, two returning and seven incoming, representing three wards:
Central Ward (includes Warragul)
- Cr Danny Goss (returning)
- Cr Paul Pratt (incoming)
- Cr Suzanne Allen (incoming)
East Ward (includes but is not limited to Buln Buln, Nilma, Darnum, Jindivick, Yarragon, Trafalgar, Cloverlea, Allambee, Athlone, Willow Grove, Neerim, Hill End, Narracan, Noojee, Thorpdale, Erica, Rawson, Westbury, Tanjil South and Walhalla)
- Cr Brendan Kingwill (incoming)
- Cr Adam Sheehan (incoming)
- Cr Kate Wilson (incoming)
West Ward (includes but is not limited to Drouin, Brandy Creek and Longwarry)
- Cr Ben Lucas (incoming)
- Cr Jess Hamilton (incoming)
- Cr Tricia Jones (returning)
To view the full election results, please visit the Victorian Electoral Commission website.
Councillor photos and contact details will be updated on Council’s website soon at

Image: Newly elected Deputy Mayor Cr Tricia Jones and Mayor Cr Danny Goss.