Placemaking projects for Nilma North, Tanjil Bren and Tetoora Road
Published on 27 August 2021
Council has endorsed the 2021/22 Placemaking Program to benefit the smaller townships of Nilma North, Tanjil Bren and Tetoora Road.
The Placemaking program is a community-led initiative where smaller, remote townships collaborate with Council to develop projects that benefit the overall town and its residents. The projects are designed to add to the physical and social character of the town and contribute positively to the community’s health, happiness, and wellbeing.
Following a review of the existing town selection criteria, Council introduced a ranking system to provide a more objective selection process. The towns of Nilma North, Tanjil Bren and Tetoora Road were determined the highest ranked towns as per the new criteria.
Council will undergo a series of engagement activities with each town, beginning with an initial registration of interest, followed by community group meetings and consultation sessions. Council will engage with all three communities throughout each phase of the program. All activities will take place in accordance with the Covid-19 restrictions in place during that time.
Since its introduction, the Placemaking Program has involved a variety of infrastructure works and enhanced community relationships across 12 small townships and localities. Some projects include:
The expansion of playground equipment at the Darnum Memorial Hall
The installation of a new toilet block in Aberfeldy (project works still underway)
The construction of new outdoor gym equipment near the Noojee Tennis Courts and installation of new tables and seating along local trails and walks.
Top dressing of the oval playing surface and installation of multi-use goal posts at the Labertouche and District Community Centre.
All final projects delivered within the program are a direct result of consultation and collaboration with Council and the community. The 2021/22 program will represent the fourth year Council has delivered this program for the Shire’s smaller townships.
Council has committed $180,000 towards the 2021/22 Placemaking Project, allocating an equal $60,000 to each three towns. The Placemaking project is supported through Council's 2021/22 Capital Works Program.
Quote attributable to Mayor Cr Danny Goss
“The Placemaking Program is a fantastic Council initiative that has seen the delivery of a number of projects to benefit our Shire’s smaller, remote communities. This program offers the people that live in and around these townships direct involvement in shaping their development by selecting the projects that mean the most to them. I have no doubt the townships of Nilma North, Tanjil Bren and Tetoora Road will see great benefit come from this program.”
Quote attributable to Cr Peter Kostos
“This is an excellent program for many of our smaller towns and communities. In this case we have two well supported communities in Nilma North and Tetoora Road, with some of our best run and passionate committee groups. Through the consultation with Council, I'm certain these groups will come up with great projects for their communities. Tanjil Bren has a very small community however as we’ve seen as late, Tanjil Bren has been cut off from the recent storm damage and will be a very well deserving town to take part in the program.”
Quote attributable Deputy Mayor Cr Michael Leaney
“The reason this program was created was to ensure smaller, remote communities were not forgotten about as has been the case in the past, and it has certainly been hugely successful. The new selection criteria is far more comprehensive and allows eligible communities to be more proactive in approaching Council to be included in the program if they have a valid idea or proposal. I am so pleased with the three locations selected in the program this year and certainly look forward to seeing what the communities come forward with.”