Council Meeting Snapshot - Wednesday 8 June
Published on 08 June 2022
To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 8 June Council meeting.
Planning and Development
Planning Application PLA0249/20 - 935 Brandy Creek Road, Rokeby
Council resolved to issue Notice of Decision to Refuse to Grant a Planning Permit for Planning Application PLA0249/20 - 935 Brandy Creek Road, Rokeby.
Response to General Business Motion - Protection of trees on Buln Buln Road, Drouin
Council moved an alternate recommendation that Council;
- Receive and note the report in response to the General Business Motion regarding the planning scheme amendment process to protect the trees along Buln Buln Road, Drouin;
- Note the options presented in the report; and,
- Endorse the option to initiate a process to develop a Significant Tree Register for township areas across the municipality and introduce a planning control to apply to the Register, subject to budget consideration.
Two-Lot Subdivisions in PSP Areas
Council moved an alternate recommendation that Council;
- Receive and Note the report on Two-Lot Subdivisions within the Precinct Structure Plan areas;
- Rescind its position on item 13.1 - 2 lot subdivisions in Precinct Structure Plans, adopted on 22 July 2015, to not support Two-Lot Subdivisions of existing dwellings and properties within the Drouin and Warragul PSP areas without the required services;
- Adopt a position to support Two-Lot Subdivisions that seeks to facilitate the delivery of public infrastructure, including, but not limited to, roads, waterways, drainage reserves, schools, activity centres, neighbourhood parks and neighbourhood shopping centres. The services would need to be provided as part of the normal Planning Application stage;
- Adopt a position to not support all other types of Two-Lot Subdivisions of existing dwellings and properties within the Warragul and Drouin Precinct Structure Plan areas (GRZ) without the required services; and,
- Note that support does not entail pre-determination of future planning applications.
Community Infrastructure
Draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2022-2030
Council moved to;
- Endorse the draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2022-2030 for community consultation from 13 June to the 10 July 2022; and
- Note that the draft two-year operational Action Plan is a draft plan for reference only.
Strategy and Organisational Performance
Child Safe Standards Update and Child Safe Policy Review 2022
Council moved to;
- Receive and note the Child Safe Standards Update and Child Safe Policy Review 2022; and
- Adopt the revised Child Safe Policy.
Quarterly Performance Report for Q3 2021/22
Council noted;
- The Quarterly Performance Report for Quarter 3 of 2021/22, including Financial Report and Capital Works Program Update;
- The Financial Report for the nine months ended 31 March 2022; and,
- The Capital Works Program Report of Q3.
General Business
Council tabled a petition relating to PLA0249/20-935 Brandy Creek Road, Rokeby. There were 27 signatories on the petition for reference.
Mayoral Minute
Cr Kostos highlighted the work of the Social Support Team and spoke of the importance of Council's many volunteers.
Baw Baw Shire Council have reopened Council Meetings to members of the public.
Bookings are encouraged. Please visit to book.
All Council meetings will be live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the Council website for viewing.
The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.