Council Meeting Snapshot - Wednesday 27 April
Published on 28 April 2022
To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 27 April Council meeting.
Planning and Development
Economic Land Use Strategy - Issues and Options Discussion Paper - pre consultation
Council moved to;
- Note the Economic Land Use Strategy - Issues and Options Discussion Paper appended to the report;
- Authorise officers to release the Economic Land Use Strategy - Issues and Options Discussion Paper for community consultation from Monday 2 May 2022 - Friday 10 June 2022.
Community Infrastructure
Petition and Alternate Response – Rumble Pavilion at Bellbird Park, Drouin
Council moved to;
- Receive and note the report in response to the resolution of Council, from 8 December 2021 Council Meeting, regarding Item 10.1 Tender Recommendation Report - 101068 Bellbird Park East Multi-use Pavilion, Drouin and Item 9.1 Petition for the retention of the Rumble Pavilion at Bellbird Park;
- Reaffirm its adopted position via resolution at 12 August 2020 Council Meeting, regarding the new Multi-use Pavilion and new carpark at Bellbird Park East as per Layout Option 1 of attachment, 1. New Multi-use Pavilion Ground Floor Plan, which includes the demolition of the Rumble Pavilion.
Baw Baw Culture and Connection Precinct - Project Reference Group Nominations
Council moved to;
- Note the report and endorse the recommended nominations for the Baw Baw Culture & Connection Precinct Stage 1 Library and Learning for the representatives of the Baw Baw Arts Alliance and the Baw Baw Shire Ratepayers and Citizen's Association;
- Authorise that the PRG commences meetings;
- Conduct a further Expression of Interest process to seek additional candidates for the two community representative positions;
- Recommend a further report be submitted to Council recommending community member representatives following the conclusion of the Expression of Interest process.
Petition Response - Monkey Bars at McGregor Park, Trafalgar
Council moved to;
- Maintain the playground at McGregor Park, Trafalgar as it currently is until it is due for renewal;
- Note that the lead petitioner has been advised that the response to the petition will be presented at the 27 April 2022 Council Meeting;
- Advise the lead petitioner of Council's decision in response to the petition.
South Face Road Winter Maintenance Agreement Update
Council moved to;
- Note the report on the historic winter maintenance agreement for South Face Road
- Note that South Face Road is not a Council asset nor are there any ratepayers along its length;
- Enter into a winter maintenance agreement for South Face Road for the winter of 2022 between Department Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and Council; and,
- Formally advise DELWP that Council will not enter into any future winter maintenance agreements.
Governance and Information Services
Councillor Allowances for 2022/2023
Council moved to;
- Receive and note the report on Councillor Allowances for 2022/23, in accordance with Part 3 of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019, the Determination made by the Tribunal, and Section 3 of the Local Government Act 2020;
- Endorse the following allowances to be paid to Councillors, Deputy Mayors and Mayors in accordance with Section 39 (5) of the Local Government Act 2020, noting Councillors are electing to receive the entire allowance: $96,470 p/a for the role of Mayor; $48,235 for the role of Deputy Mayor; $30,024 p/a for the role of Councillor;
- Note that the determination provides for further scheduled annual increases to allowance values until 18 December 2025 and that the next increase will take effect on 18 December 2022.
Baw Baw Shire Council have reopened Council Meetings to members of the public.
- A COVID Marshal will be there to assist with QR Code check-in and sight proof of vaccination.
- In line with the CHO’s directive, all patrons visiting the West Gippsland Arts Centre must show proof of double-vaccination.
Bookings are encouraged. Please visit to book.
All Council meetings will be live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the Council website for viewing.
The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.