Council Meeting Snapshot - Wednesday 25 May

Published on 25 May 2022

To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 25 May Council meeting.   

Planning and Development

Planning Application PLA0249/20 - 935 Brandy Creek Road, Rokeby

Council moved an alternate recommendation;

  • Deferral of motion, to seek further information before it returns to the Council Meeting on 8 June 2022. 

Response to General Business Motion - Protection of trees on Buln Buln Road, Drouin

Council moved an alternate recommendation;

  • Deferral of motion, to give Councillors time to consider alternate motion. The report will go to the Council Meeting on 8 June 2022.

Two-Lot Subdivisions in PSP Areas

Council moved an alternate recommendation;

  • Deferral of motion, to allow Councillors to further consider an appropriate alternate recommendation. The item will go to the Council Meeting on 8 June 2022.

Community Infrastructure

Tender Recommendation Report - Vehicle Bridge Renewal Program - Roberts Road Bridge, Yarragon

Council moved to;

  • Accept the tender submitted by Jarvis Norwood Constructions Pty Ltd, for Tender: 2021031 Vehicle Bridge Renewal Program - Roberts Road Bridge for the total sum of $820,000 (excluding GST);
  • Authorise the reallocation of up to $117,600 from the projected surplus of the 2021/2022 Capital Works Program to this project to ensure sufficient budget is available;
  • Note that the proposed commencement of works is January 2023 due to contractor availability; and,
  • Delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to sign the contract documents and execute the award of the contract.

Baw Baw Aquatic & Leisure Services Contract

Council approved to;

  • Notify the YMCA of the intention to extend contact 21711CT for the final term of three years inclusive 1 July 2023 - 30 June 2026 as per the contract conditions; and,
  • Delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to execute the contract extension for 21711CT in accordance with the contract.

Extension of Waste Services Contracts

Council moved to;

  • Approve the extension of the following waste service contracts for a period of six months to the 31 Mach 2023:
    (a) 21212CT - Kerbside Garbage Collection;
    (b) 21771CT - Garbage Disposal; and
    (c) 21212aCT - Green Organics Processing; and,
  • Delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to sign the contract extension documents and execute the extension of the contracts. 

Public Road Register 2022 - 2023

Council moved to;

  • Endorse the proposed amendments listed in the Proposed List Summary - 2022-2023 from public request, internal review and subdivision developments to be included in and/or removed from the Public Road Register; 
  • Adopt the revised Public Road Register - Proposed Public Road Register - 2022-2023 effective from 1 July 2022;
  • Note the cost implications associated with this review of the Public Road Register on the Annual Budget, and the annual contract sum increase for CON2019060 Routine Road Maintenance effective from 1 July 2022; and,
  • Endorse the updated Policy - Register of Public Roads and Hierarchy Policy. 

Mayoral Minute

Cr Leaney rose for his Mayoral Minute to speak about the Citizenship Ceremony on Tuesday night, where more than 60 conferees became Australian citizens. "There were lots of families, young children, and smiles. It was a great thing to welcome such a large, happy group to Baw Baw Shire, and it was a privilege to be part of". 

Baw Baw Shire Council have reopened Council Meetings to members of the public. 

Bookings are encouraged. Please visit our Council Meetings page to book. 

All Council meetings will be live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the Council website for viewing.

The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.

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