Council Meeting Snapshot - Wednesday 23 November 2022

Published on 23 November 2022

To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 23 November Council meeting.    

Economic Development, Grants and Advocacy

The Future of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Council moved to;

  • Establish a position on Electric Vehicle Charging Stations to encourage private investment and delivery, and;
  • Note the EV Charging Station Infrastructure Feasibility Report.

Strategy and Organisational Performance

Child and Youth Engagement - Response to General Business Motion from 28 September Council Meeting.

Council moved an alternate motion to;

  • Receive a further report/briefing from officers in order to understand the engagement needs of young people including but not limited to: options to form a youth council/youth advisory group, opportunities for School students to experience Councillor and Mayoral Roles and Council Meetings, work experience opportunities, options for a live4life youth committee, FreeZA, Girl Guides, Scouts and any other relevant youth engagement options, no later than 15 March 2023;
  • Engage with other Councils to seek information on their Youth Engagement programs;
  • Identify where existing opportunities can be extended to meet strategic engagement outcomes; and
  • Note that any initiatives will need to be referred to the 2023/24 budget process.

Governance and Information Services

Proposal to name the McGlone Road Public Reserve 'Golden Whistler Reserve'

Having considered the submissions received from the community and feedback from the Place Names Advisory Committee, Council endorse the name of "Golden Whistler Reserve" for McGlone Road Public Reserve. 

Council moved to approve officers to arrange for the installation of appropriate signage at the reserve, and write to each submitter informing them of Council's decision. 

Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation under the Planning and Environment Act 1987

In the exercise of the powers conferred by section 147 (4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, section 224 of the Local Government Act 1989 and section 313 of the Local Government Act 2020, Baw Baw Shire Council resolves that;

  • The members of Council staff referred to in the instrument be appointed and authorised as set out in the instrument;
  • The instrument comes into force immediately the common seal of Council is affixed to the instrument, and remains in force until Council determines to vary or revoke it, and;
  • In accordance with Council's Governance Rules, the instrument be signed and sealed.

Bereavement Motion

Council tables a Bereavement Motion for Mr John Castle. Many people present would have been touched by one of his developments. He was known as John, Jack or JC, and passed away Sunday week, after being ill for some time. He was Warragul through and through, born here, went to school here. He began by carting hay, and he got the idea of contracting. He was famous for his vision, being able to see the end product, and he could calculate, stress test, work out the contractors, he could do all this in minute detail.

Mayoral Minute

Mayor McCabe used her inaugural Mayoral Minute to highlight 16 Days of Activism, which starts on 25 November 2022 and runs til 10 December 2022. Let's Chat Gippsland is a regional approach that encourages members of the community to start a conversation about gendered violence - so check in with a neighbour, colleague, friend or family member, and start the conversation.

Baw Baw Shire Council have reopened Council Meetings to members of the public. 

Bookings are encouraged. Please visit to book. 

All Council meetings will be live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the Council website for viewing.

The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.

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