Council Meeting Snapshot - Wednesday 23 March
Published on 23 March 2022
To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 23 March Council meeting.
Community Infrastructure
Tender Recommendation Report - Baw Baw Culture & Connection Precinct (Stage 1 Library and Learning)
Council moved to;
- Approve tender 2021030 Baw Baw Culture & Connection Precinct (Stage 1 Library and Learning) - Detailed Design to Croxon Ramsay Pty Ltd for a value of us to $1,147,520 (ex GST), including a Project Manager's contingency amount of up to $125,000 (ex GST) to cover any unforeseen items as the design progresses; and,
- Delegate authority to the CEO to sign the documents and execute the award of the contract.
Draft Asset Plan
Council noted the Draft Asset Plan and moved to place the Draft Asset Plan on exhibition for community consultation and feedback from 4 April 2022 to 2 May 2022.
Neerim and District Community Hub Consultation Findings
Council noted the findings of the Region 1, Neerim South, Noojee and Surrounds Community Needs Analysis Report November 2021, and moved to;
- Request a draft, costed Service Delivery Model be developed for the Neerim South, Noojee and Surrounds Community Hub to define the type, scope, scale and frequency of services, which agency should deliver the services and where they should be delivered from;
- Request a further report to be provided to present the draft Service Delivery Model, and at that time;
- Consider any future budget allocations towards site selection and design of a potential Community Hub development in Neerim South; and,
- Write to the Hub Liaison Committee to thank and congratulate them on their contribution to this project.
Governance and Information Services.
Delegation Review and Update
Council resolved to execute;
- Proposed revised S6 Instrument of Delegation, Council to members of Council Staff;
- Proposed S5 Instrument of Delegation, Council to the Chief Executive Officer; and,
- Proposed S18 Instrument of Delegation to members of Council Staff under Environment Protection Act 2017.
Baw Baw Shire Council have reopened Council Meetings to members of the public.
- A COVID Marshal will be there to assist with QR Code check-in and sight proof of vaccination.
- In line with the CHO’s directive, all patrons visiting the West Gippsland Arts Centre must show proof of double-vaccination.
Bookings are encouraged. Please visit to book.
All Council meetings will be live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the Council website for viewing.
The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.