Council Meeting Snapshot - Wednesday 23 February

Published on 23 February 2022

To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 23 February Council meeting.  

Planning and Development

Planning Application PLA0150/20 - 1976 Princes Highway, Trafalgar.

Council moved to issue a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit PLA0150/20 (The Range), subject to conditions.

Planning Application PLA0195/20 - 77 Princes Highway, Yarragon.

Council noted that Planning Application PLA0195/20, has been formally amended by the applicant pursuant to the Planning & Environment Act 1987 (the Act), and therefore Council cannot make a decision under the Act.

Community Infrastructure  

2021/2022 Placemaking Program - Project Endorsement. 

Council moved to;

  • Endorse the installation of a combination of gym and playground equipment at the Tetoora Road Hall grounds;
  • Endorse the installation of an all abilities BBQ and BBQ shelter at the Nilma North and Lillico Memorial Hall grounds;
  • Seek approval from Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, and the Committee of Management for the upgrade of the BBQ and picnic area on Saxtons Road in Tanjil Bren; and
  • Following receipt of the approval/s, endorse the delivery of the BBQ and picnic area upgrade in Tanjil Bren.

Strategy and Organisational Performance

Quarterly Performance Report for Q2 2021/22.

Council noted;

  • The Quarterly Performance Report for Quarter 2 of 2021/22, including Financial Report and Capital Works Program Update;
  • The substitution of 101029 Sand Road, Longwarry: Bicycle & Walking Paths (local Road and Community Infrastructure Program (LCRI) Phase 2) project, with the new LED Lighting Upgrade Program Stage 3 (LCRI Phase 3) project, to ensure that the LCRI funding milestones are met; and
  • The inclusion of Q3 of two new projects in the 2021/22 Capital Works Program, with a total value of $125,915, for the installation of a water tank, and the construction of a hard standing area in Walhalla.
  • Amendment to recommendation to make it clear that Sand Road is not being abandoned, just postponed/deferred.

Baw Baw Shire Council have reopened Council Meetings to members of the public.

  • A COVID Marshal will be there to assist with QR Code check-in and sight proof of vaccination.
  • In line with the CHO’s directive, all patrons visiting the West Gippsland Arts Centre must show proof of double-vaccination.

Bookings are encouraged. Please visit to book. 

All Council meetings will be live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the Council website for viewing.

The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.

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