Community and Council create a long-term vision for Longwarry

Published on 15 December 2022


A long-term plan guiding the future growth and development of Longwarry has been adopted by Baw Baw Shire Council.

The Longwarry Structure Plan will be used to inform Council’s approach in response to the projected population growth and mix of land-use in the township over the next 20 years.

The Plan, which was developed through an extensive community consultation process, responds to themes identified by residents and business owners as priorities for the future, including:

  • Key residential and employment growth sites
  • The character and design of the town
  • Servicing infrastructure, such as drainage, water, sewer, and gas
  • Improving ecological, environmental and heritage significance
  • Open space and community facilities
  • Pedestrian and vehicle transport and movement

Throughout 2021 and early 2022, Council asked residents how they thought Longwarry should look in the future and what infrastructure is required to support a growing population. 

Residents were able to attend drop-in sessions at the Longwarry Public Hall and meet face to face with Council’s project team to discuss their thoughts and aspirations for the township. Online surveys were available through both stages of community consultation for those who could not attend the in-person sessions.

Feedback gathered through the consultation process, along with extensive background research and analysis, has ensured the plan fits the community’s and Council’s long-term vision for Longwarry.

Following its adoption by Council, the Longwarry Structure Plan will be submitted for inclusion in the Baw Baw Shire Planning Scheme, where it will provide a clear planning framework that will guide decisions about development, investment, and infrastructure improvement. 

For a full copy of the Longwarry Structure Plan, click here.

Quotes attributable to Mayor Cr Annemarie McCabe

“Longwarry has seen a steady population growth over the past decade, increasing the demand for community services, facilities, and local employment. The Longwarry Structure Plan will assist Council in identifying what is required to support a growing population.

The Structure Plan is the result of a tremendous amount of work, which included extensive public consultation. We thank each and every member of our community who took the time to provide their feedback to help shape the future of Longwarry.”

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