Next date: Saturday, 29 March 2025 | 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM
Free, weekly, 5km timed runs around the world. Parkruns are open to everyone, free, and are safe and easy to take part in.
These events take place in pleasant parkland surroundings and we encourage people of every ability to take part; from those taking their first steps in running to Olympians; from juniors to those with more experience; we welcome you all.
You must register prior to your first run.
Brooker Park, Sutton Street, Warragul, 3820, View Map
Sutton Street , Warragul 3820
Fields marked as 'Required' must be completed
Email Address*(Required)
Enter your email address or your friend's email addresses all separated by commas.
Occurrence Pattern*(Required)
This event occurs every 1 week(s) on Saturday for 104 times.