Freedom of Information Request Form


Some information and documents are already available without the need for an application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act).

It is recommended that you discuss your request with the Freedom of Information Officer before you submit this Online Freedom of Information (FOI) request. You can contact the Freedom of Information Officer by calling 5624 2411.

Freedom of Information Application Form
Form of Access: * (required)
I will make payment for the application fee of $32.70, which is payable in respect of this request and I understand that I will be supplied with a statement of further charges, if appropriate. * (required)
NOTE: FOI fees and charges are not subject to GST. If you wish to apply for a waiver of the application fee, please submit a request attaching copies of supporting documentation (for example, a copy of health care card).
Type the characters you see in the image below * (Required)


The personal information requested on this form is being collected by Council for the purpose of processing a Freedom of Information application. It will be used solely by Council for this purpose or directly related purposes, or as required by other laws. During the processing of the application your personal information may be disclosed to the Office of the Freedom of Information Commissioner or the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). In some instances, your application may be transferred to another Victorian Government agency for processing, where required. For more information and enquiries, call our Freedom of Information Officer on 5624 2411.