Customer Service Charter Extended Text Description
Our Customer Service Promise
- Baw Baw Shire Council is committed to providing helpful, friendly and efficient service.
- Every Council employee will engage with customers to ensure they experience excellent levels
- of service and satisfaction.
- We offer a prompt and efficient service.
- Our staff are approachable and well informed.
- Our team welcomes the opportunity to assist you.
How We Serve You:
We answer enquiries promptly.
Our correspondence will be clear and concise andaddress issues or concerns you may have.
We make it easy for you to access community services and corporate information.
We take ownership of your request and where we cannot assist you in the first instance, we will provide a reference number to keep track of your enquiry until it is resolved.
We provide an emergency after hours service and will respond to urgent/emergency issues.
Our Service Standards
We aim to:
- Answer all phone calls within 30 seconds.
- Respond to all telephone messages within two business days.
- Respond to online or social media enquiries within three business days.
- Respond to mail or email enquiries within up to 10 business days. Interim reply will be received within three days.
- Provide access to interpreters by arrangement and translate Council material, as appropriate, in alternative formats.
- Register and inspect all reports of an emergency and non-emergency nature.
- Inspect all reports of non-emergency issues such as road or tree issues within 10 business days.
- Manage all feedback and complaints promptly via our robust feedback process.
For a copy of our feedback and complaints process, please call 5624 2411, request a copy via email or drop into one of our service centres at Drouin and Warragul.