

Baw Baw Shire Council are committed to providing high quality services to our community.

If you have a concern regarding Council services, decisions, or actions, please take the time to inform us.

We will use this information and feedback to assist in guiding future improvements to our services.

What is a complaint?

Complaints must relate to matters, products or services for which Council has authority or responsibility.

A complaint includes a communication (verbal or written) to the Council which expresses dissatisfaction about:

  • The quality of an action, decision or service provided by Council staff or a Council contractor (service complaint).
  • The behaviour displayed by Council staff or a Council contractor in taking an action, making a decision, or delivering a service (conduct complaint).
  • A policy or decision made by the Council, Council staff or a Council contractor (administrative complaint).

What is not considered a complaint?

  • Requests for a service.
  • Requests for maintenance to an asset for which Council has responsibility.
  • Reports of faults or damage to an asset for which Council has responsibility.
  • Complaints that are claims against Council for personal injury or property damage or other loss or damage.
  • Enquiries made to Council on a compliance or development matter that is processed in accordance with statutory or administrative timeframe established by Council.
  • Complaints alleging fraud or corrupt conduct;
    For further information on how to make a Public Interest Disclosures.

Refer to:

Minister for Local Government | Contacts & Services Directory

Home | Victorian Ombudsman

Local Government Inspectorate | Local Government Inspectorate (

Home | Victoria Police

Cabinet | Contacts & Services Directory (

How to make a complaint

A person can make a complaint in several ways:

  • In person: Baw Baw Shire Council Customer Service Centre’s

    33 Young Street, Drouin or,

    West Gippsland Arts Centre, Warragul 

  • After hours:  03 5624 2411 to be immediately transferred to Council’s after-hours service.

Anonymous complaints

You can make an anonymous complaint; however, this may restrict our ability to provide resolution or updates on any progress.

How we manage your complaint

  • Where possible, we will attempt to resolve your complaint at the time you first contact us.
  • If that isn’t possible, we will escalate your complaint to the appropriate supervisor or manager.
  • You will be contacted within 5 days by the relevant staff member, and we will keep you informed as your complaint is investigated.
  • We will inform you of the outcome of your complaint in writing, unless agreed otherwise, and will explain our reasons. We will endeavour to provide this within 30 days of receiving your complaint.
  • If we are unable to provide a response within this timeframe, we will contact you and provide a revised timeframe.

Council's commitment to Human Rights

Council follows the Charter of Human Rights values of freedom, respect, equality, and dignity when dealing with complaints.

Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (

If you would like further information you can refer to:

Complaints | Australian Human Rights Commission

Human rights | Victorian Ombudsman

If you are unhappy with the outcome

You may have the option to request a review by an external oversight agency if you disagree or are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint.

The following agencies can handle complaints about Council:

Complaint Agency

Actions or decisions of a Council, Council staff
and contractors.

This includes failure to consider human rights or failure to act compatibly with a human right under the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (VIC).

Victorian Ombudsman


Breaches of the Local Government Act 2020 Local Government Inspectorate

Breach of privacy.

Complaint about a freedom of information application

Office of the Victorian Information Commission
Corruption or public interest disclosure complaints Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission
Discrimination Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission


Baw Baw Shire Council’s Complaint Resolution Policy is subject to our Privacy Policy.(PDF, 116KB)

The information you provide is used to respond to your complaint.

Council works in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.