Mayor and Councillors

Left to Right: Cr Suzanne Allen, Cr Paul Pratt, Cr Brendan Kingwill, Cr Tricia Jones (Deputy Mayor), Cr Ben Lucas, Cr Danny Goss (Mayor), Cr Kate Wilson, Cr Jess Hamilton and Cr Adam Sheehan.
Baw Baw Shire is divided into three wards; including the West Ward, Central Ward, and East Ward.
There are three Councillors elected in each ward, making a total of nine Councillors.
2024/2025 Mayoral election
At its statutory meeting held on Wednesday 20 November 2024, Council elected Cr Danny Goss as Mayor and Cr Tricia Jones as Deputy Mayor for the 2024/2025 term.
Councillors are elected to lead and represent the whole community. As your local elected representative, they advocate on behalf of residents and work to assist them. As members of Council, individual Councillors have responsibilities to other Councillors and the community.
Councillors' responsibilities include approving the Council Plan and Council Budget. They have a responsibility, as stewards of community resources, to manage the Council's assets, provide a wide range of services and facilities, and ensure finances are allocated in the best interests of the whole community.
The Councillor Code of Conduct(PDF, 70KB) was reviewed and adopted at a Special Council Meeting on Wednesday 24 February 2021 in line with provisions outlined in the Local Government Act 2020.
Baw Baw Shire Council Ward Map
Baw Baw Shire Council’s Ward Boundaries have been adjusted following a Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) review conducted in accordance with section 15(2) of the Local Government Act 2020.