Rokeby to Noojee Trail

  • Project typeUpgrade and new construction
  • Project scheduleStage one construction will commence July 2024 and to be completed mid-2025.
  • Contractor nameGBM Contractors Pty Ltd

Works are in progress to upgrade the existing Rokeby to Apex Lookout trail, with a view to later extending it to Noojee during the second stage of this project.

This will create a link to some of Baw Baw’s key historic tourism destinations including the historically significant Noojee Trestle Bridge, which is the tallest remaining wooden railway bridge in Victoria, as well as the historic township of Noojee.

The trail aims to create a high-quality shared user trail that provides:

  • Excellent user experience
  • Safety and accessibility
  • Improved health and wellbeing opportunities
  • Connection between communities
  • Engagement with natural vistas and historic sites
  • Tourism and economic development opportunities
  • Educational opportunities.

Stage one

Stage one of the project commenced in July 2024, with $3 million in funding secured by Council through the Victorian Governments Regional Tourism Investment Fund (RTIF)

In addition to the $3 million secured through RTIF, Council allocated $1 million towards the project as part of its Capital Works Program.  

The scope of works included within stage one of the project are:  

  • Upgrades to the existing section of the trail between Rokeby and Crossover (completed)
  • Upgrades to the existing roadside trails and connecting missing links from Crossover to the Apex lookout in Neerim (2025)
  • Detailed designs and preconstruction work for the extension of the trail to Noojee. (ongoing)

Stage two

Construction of the trail extension to Noojee will be subject to future funding by Council, State and Federal bodies.

The project aligns with various Council, State and Federal Government Strategies that promote active recreation Cycling, Tourism and Health and Wellbeing. This sets the context for further funding and investment opportunities.

Funding opportunities will be pursued during the completion of stage one.

The route

The route proposed by the Baw Baw Cycling Feasibility Study is approximately 28 kilometres and is a mix of existing trail and off-road path (which will be upgraded), newly built off road paths, crossings, boardwalks, signage, safety elements and a range of associated infrastructure.

The final route will be influenced by several considerations including the available road reserve widths and conditions, suitability of alignments in achieving the project aims, vegetation removal permit requirements, cultural heritage requirements and access to land. 

Use the interactive map below to explore the existing trails and the historical rail route

Advocacy and funding

Funding was secured by Council that allowed stage one of the project to begin in 2024.

The $4 million worth of works to be undertaken in stage one will be completed thanks to a $3 million contribution from the Victorian Government’s Regional Tourism Investment Fund (RTIF).

In addition to the $3 million secured through RTIF, Council has allocated $1 million towards the project as part of its Capital Works Program.

Future funding opportunities for stage two of the project will be identified and pursued as stage one continues to progress, and as funding streams from State and Federal Governments become available.

This project is one of four of Council’s Tier One advocacy priorities. These are large-scale, long-term projects with significant inter-generational impact on the region.

See more at Advocacy Priorities.

Trail usage data

Rokeby Trail Count Graph.jpg

Usage data shows there has been increased usage/demand for the trail, and also demonstrate that surface and drainage upgrade works are needed to make the trail more accessible year round.


The extension of the trail poses several challenges that require planning and design solutions to be investigated, including:

  • Engineering challenges such as areas of dense native vegetation, steep road embankments and narrow existing road reserves.
  • Connections between trail sections that are outside of public land.
  • Conflict points such as high-speed traffic proximity, private driveways and road crossings.


Rokeby Trail, Rokeby   View Map

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