Local Law Permits

Permits are required to undertake various activities or hold certain events under the Community Local Law 2024.

Application forms for each of these permits can be completed online by clicking a link below. Hard copies can also be download from the Supporting Information section at the bottom of this page.

Please contact the Community Compliance department on 5624 2411 for more information.

Permit Type    Cost
Burning Off Permit

$62.40 per activity
$254.80 per commercial
$52.00 application fee

Busking Permit No fee
General Permit $104.00 annually
$52.00 application fee  
Liquor Permit

$93.60 per application
$52.00 application fee   

Excess Animals on Residential or Rural Land Permit $104.00 annually
$52.00 application fee
Roadside Trading Permit

Outside designated area - $312.00 per 1 month

Outside designated area - $1,383.20 per 6 months

Outside designated area -  $2,267.20 per 12 months

Outside designated area - $124.80 per day

Inside designated area - $629.20 per 1 month

Inside designated area - $2,766.40 per 6 months

Inside designated area - $4,525.80 per 12 months 

Inside designated area - $245.80 per day  

$52.00 application fee

Sausage Sizzle Permit (Public/Crownland) $93.60 per application
$52.00 application fee

Street Trading: A-Frame signage, goods displayed, outdoor eating

$104.00 annually - A frame signage
$104.00 per metre - Goods Displayed for Sale          
$104.00 per metre - Outdoor Eating  
Stock Crossing or Droving

$455.00 for 5 years (Crossing)
$1,655.00 bond (Crossing)
$327.60 for 5 years (Droving)

Works Within Road Reserve  $194.30 application fee + bond